Implementation of RVB2015 including interface to asset-liability-management, liquidity and regulatory reporting

Project Goal

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  • The starting point for the project was the implementation of the new regulatory requirements for accounting regulations (RVB2015) and liquidity regulations. 
  • In addition, the existing reporting interface was to be replaced by a new solution.
  • This was to be accompanied by a replacement of the previous processes that had been created in individual areas. The goal of the implementation was the development of a fully integrated and automated solution.

As-Is Situation

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  • In the initial situation, separate processes that had grown over time existed in different systems. This rather silo-like architecture, due to the history, revealed a lack of reconcilability and transferability of data from risk and accounting systems.


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  • An overarching challenge was initially the necessary integration of the previous, separate processes into a common IT architecture. In particular, the requirement for the joint use of data for accounting and risk management had to be taken into account.  
  • Data, processes and methods were to be available centrally and always used together for the different purposes. In addition, the solution should allow for the possibility of integrating further processes in the future. This also had to be taken into account in particular with regard to the granularity of data and results.

Approach & Solution 

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To implement the requirements, a customized, completely redesigned layered architecture was designed. In it, data and methods are shared by all customers This achieves, among other things, complete transferability and reconcilability of all data and results within the process landscape. The solution includes the following areas:

  • Preparation of the statutory balance sheet according to RVB 2015 incl. accounting of nostro items and imputation of value adjustments 
  • Calculation of capital requirements according to Basel III
  • Different optimized collateral imputation for balance sheet and Basel III
  • Consideration of deposit guarantees based on esisuisse
  • Supply of reporting interface (Evolan) and ALM (Sungard Ambit Focus ALM) incl. LCR and NSFR with reconciled (balance sheet) results
  • Delivery of LCR und NSFR on single-contract level for automated preparation of in- and external reports 
  • Preparation of result data for internal reporting 

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